Once And Future #8 // Review

Once And Future #8 // Review

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New threats arise in Once And Future #8, by writer Kieron Gillen, artist Dan Mora, colorist Tamra Bonvillain, and letterer Ed Dukeshire. As Duncan and Gran work to repair their relationship, Arthur gains new allies, and the danger to our heroes increases.

Duncan and Gran investigate a mound at Sutton Hoo and find the remnants of a ritual. The two snipe at each other over what to do next. In Camelot, Arthur and Galahad have a discussion when the castle is attacked by Beowulf. Arthur and Beowulf face off before someone else joins the fray- Merlin. Merlin smooths out things between the two, and Beowulf agrees to attack Duncan and Gran. Back at Sutton Hoo, Duncan and Gran leave but are watched by Elaine, who communicates with someone, letting them know about Duncan and Gran's movements and asking about Galahad. On the drive, Gran calls Rose and has her scry a bit. Just as ROse is warning them of the danger, they are in Beowulf attacks.

Once And Future is a very British tale so far (which makes sense since it's written by a very British writer), so it makes sense for Kieron Gillen to bring in Beowulf. Beowulf represents one of the first heroes of British literature. Of course, since this is Once And Future, he's co-opted by evil, as Merlin manipulates him into helping Arthur by likening Duncan and Gran to Grendel and his mother and their attacks on the mead hall of Hrothgar. Merlin's appearance in the book raises questions as Arthur doesn't remember the wizard at all, which is very strange since Merlin was a very important part of Arthur's life.

Over in Duncan and Gran's corner of the book, their relationship is very different than it was before, and that's about perfect. Duncan no longer has the same trust or affection for Gran that he had in the past after finding out about her lies, and Gran is still treating him like he doesn't know what he's doing, even though in the months since their estrangement he's been operating on his own. The only character that doesn't get served very well is Rose, but this series has never really known what to do with her but use her as a generic love interest or a Q to Duncan's Bond.

Dan Mora's art is breathtaking as usual. Beowulf looks amazing, a muscle bond bruiser who is on fire. The battle between Arthur and Beowulf is short but well laid out. Merlin looks great as well. He's still reminiscent of Merlin's picture that readers have in their heads, but there's something fittingly sinister about him.

Once And Future #8 adds new wrinkles to the story- what is Merlin's plan? Why can't Arthur remember him? What is Beowulf's place in everything? Gillen lays out some nice mysteries. Gran and Duncan's character work is great as always, but Rose could use more to do. Dan Mora's art is the icing on the cake as usual. Once And Future remains one of the best books being published right now.

G Grade: A

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