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Superman #3

Superman finally accepts help from Lex and SuperCorp to battle the Parasites in Superman #3, by writer Joshua Williamson, artist Jamal Campbell, and letterer Ariana Maher. This is yet another excellent issue, cementing Superman’s place at the top of the superhero world.

Luthor keeps talking to Superman about how he’s failed to save the city, and how he could have helped him, when the Man of Steel shows up. However, he’s possessed by Parasites, something that Lex quickly surmises. He’s not there to “eat” Lex, but to get his help, along with Livewire. He takes them to SuperCorp, where they come up with their plan - use Livewire as bait for the Parasites so they can cure the prime Parasite of the radiation poisoning that caused him to split. Superman is cured and puts on a containment suit. He fights Parasite, letting him have some of his power, and then tells him how to fix the situation - absorb all the Parasites in the city, which are now attacking SuperCorp. This works, and they cure him. The next day, Clark talks to Lois about his decision to work with Lex and SuperCorp. He visits Lex in jail, gives him what looks like a signal watch, and then goes to SuperCorp to start work. Meanwhile, Graft and Dr. Pharm lament Superman and Lex working together, but prepare their next attack.

One of the best parts about old Superman comics is the sci-fi aspect. This has lessened over the years as comics changed, but Williamson brings it roaring back with this comic. So many writers seem to forget that Superman punching his problems isn’t what the character is good for. Williamson remembered that, which is what makes this issue so fantastic. There’s some action - Superman has to “feed” Rudy, after all - but the crux of the comic is using the intelligence and resources of SuperCorp to fix the problem, not beat it into submission.

After that, Williamson drops the hooks to keep readers coming back, and they’re all good. Superman working with Lex? That’s something that can definitely work, especially since both know the score. However, it’s also a great character moment for Superman. Of course, he wants to believe that Lex will do the right thing. He wants to believe that Lex can do better. Of course, the last page with Graft and Dr. Pharm shows that Lex has his own motives, and Williamson does a nice job of setting that up. These first three issues have been terrific, and Williamson has proved he has the goods when it comes to writing Superman.

Campbell is such a brilliant artist. The linework and the detail are gorgeous, and his colors are amazing. Some people were born to draw Superman, and Campbell is one of those artists. He captures the physicality of the character beautifully. It’s a classic look for the character, but also quite distinctive. Parasite’s final form, after eating all the other aspects of him, is body horror to the extreme and looks perfect.

Superman #3 is a great ending to an amazing story. Williamson has proved that he knows how to write Superman better than anyone could have imagined. Campbell is the perfect artist for this book, and Williamson definitely knows how to write for him. This is a stellar book, a wonderful addition to DC’s current Superman renaissance.

Grade: A