Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-man #1 Spectacular Review

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-man #1 Spectacular Review


Peter Parker enjoys his Aunt May's meat cakes.

That is about as racy as one half of the Sex Criminals creative team, Chip Zdarsky, gets in the first issue of his new Spider-man book. Which I should point out- is not very racy at all! Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-man is off to a great start with an extremely fun first issue. Zdarsky brings his trademark humour to this first issue and it pays off in spades! I suspected good things but this went above and beyond. 

So lets breakdown what this issue is about. Its your typical day in the life of a superhero. He stops a random robbery and hangs out with several other superheroes (this book has cameos from Ant-man, The Falcon and Johnny Storm/The Human Torch!) however, in a strange twist of events he gets hit on by the woman he rescues! He also meets a potential new ally, who has a connection to an old enemy.

This books seems like it will focus on the Spider-man side of Parker's persona, rather than the billionaire tech genius side that he currently has going on. This issue showcases him as an everyman, which has been missed lately in the regular series.He's been a rich business man with rich business man problems (and supervillains) but Zdarsky seems to be leaving that side of things for Dan Slot.


To make a good Spidey book you need to nail Spidey's banter. This issue is a prime example of how the character bounces off other character's the humour is perfect. Spidey is funny to no-one except for the reader and himself. Zdarsky is perfect for this type of writing. There is an exception to that rule within this issue but it is his potential new love interest and so it makes sense. Even with that in mind their interaction is still awkward and dorky. I cannot wait to find out more about her.


While I think that the main title (The Amazing Spider-man) is usually pretty awesome, I think that it is refreshing to read someone who isn't Dan Slott writing the character! 

If you're a Spider-fan, then this is definitely another one for your pull list, especially after that epic cliff-hanger!.. Which apparently is concerning a character first introduced in the original graphic novel, Amazing Spider-Man: Family Business by Mark Waid? I haven't read that but I may have to go and give it a read while waiting for #2 (Although dont worry, that won't be necessary!).

Also, Adam Kubert's art is great! It truly compliments the writing and adds to the overall enjoyment of the issue. Spidey is dynamic and clearly in his prime! There was very little in the way of action in this issue so I'm looking forwarding to seeing how he handles that.

I'm giving this issue A's all around! A for the story and A for the art!

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