Justice League Odyssey #6 // Review

Justice League Odyssey #6 // Review

In one single issue, Dan Abnett is able to take over the reins of the title, give it actual importance and make the series his own. Accompanied by Carmine Di Giandomenico on pencils, the duo collectively rescue this title from obscurity by pulling it out from the shadow of Justice League No Justice. Taking the space opera aspect to the next level, Abnett and Di Giandomenico prove to readers that this title is worth saving. With boundless potential ahead, Abnett has proven his ability to save fluctuating titles in the past.


As Darkseid wages genocide within the Ghost Sector, he is forced to face a new embodiment of evil, the like of which has been unseen before now. After visions of the future have come to him, the New God must forge a new Apokolips and stop the looming death staring him down. With the team crash landing on Starfire’s wasteland of a planet, Tamaran, they find themselves in the clutches of her evil sister Blackfire as they are forced to wage their own war in the Ghost Sector.


Dan Abnett tags Joshua Williamson out from scripting duties and delivers the best issue the title has seen thus far. Delving deeper into Darkseid’s plans of saving his world without having to make him sympathetic is the crowning achievement of this issue. Although the rest of the team is left somewhat on the back burner while Darkseid takes center stage of this issue, Abnett still manages garner importance for the rest of the team and give them a larger purpose for existing.


The stylized pencil works of Di Giandomenico continue to work incredibly well for the title. The opening scenes of Darkseid on a rampage are truly highlighted by Giandomenico’s visceral and kinetic artistic sensibilities. The lush massive landscapes help to sell the grand scale of this space faring adventure. On the whole, between Giandomenico and Abnett jointing the title this series has received a new lease in life and ability to outshine its original conception. The vibrant unorthodox hues of Plascencia‘s colorworks create a larger more grandiose environment to visit each month and completely sell this space opera.


Having saved this title from an early grave, Abnett and Giandomenico start their new journey together with the team into new and brighter horizons. With Darkseid taking center stage behind the curtains, this allows for an previously unseen aspect to the Justice League mythos and new storytelling avenues for Abnett to go down as a whole. As this series finds its legs, the readers are sure to follow the exploits of this niche group of heroes.

Grade: B+

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