Justice League #29 // Review

Justice League #29 // Review

Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV join forces once again alongside artist Bruno Redondo as they take readers across the critical points of the series.  Here lies a jump-in-point before the next issue kicks off The Justice/Doom War. Although blending into one voice for the overall narrative, the two distinct writers leave their own individual impressions on this chapter. Bruno Redondo is a welcomed addition as he renders a clean and coherent look back at the last couple dozen issues. 


With Jarro on his own to infiltrate the Legion of Doom, he reminisces about the beginning of his race. Also, where that has led him as he now stands alongside the Justice League, namely Batman. As past and present play alongside one another, the League is still left reeling after the loss of J'onn J'onzz Martian Manhunter to Apex Predator Lex Luthor. With all leads ending nowhere, none other than Jarro is there to lead the way. As the Legion of Doom's whereabouts are discovered by the rest of the heroes. Ending on a heartwarming moment between a father and son before closing out on a more ominous tone.

Bruno Redondo cleans up the past with his gorgeous pencil and ink lines. The crisp renderings are a stark contrast from the previous artist, Javier Fernandez, but still manages to drive this looming threat home. 


Although more of a wrap-up issue only slightly pushing the current storyline forward, Redondo makes quick work of this chapter and leaves readers wanting more. Hi-Fi continues to lace yet another chapter in absolutely gorgeous hues and add to the clean aesthetic with the beautifully saturated color works. 

Snyder and Tynion continue to work excellently together, a bit closer this time, but uses both of their strong suits to make a fun issue out of a jumping-on point for any readers not currently on board. Tynion's long-winded yet eloquent use of monologue to set the mood works excellently for Jarro's more embellished view of the past. While Snyder adds the fun and heart with his quippy dialogue. 


The next issue sets to kick off the summer event for the title Justice/Doom War. This writing team continues to lay some intriguing groundwork for what is still yet to come. As the League garners numbers, before their fight against the mother of the Multiverse, and the Legion of Doom. 

Grade: A

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