Superman #22 // Review

Superman #22 // Review

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Mongul attacks the Earth, and the Superman is the only one who can stop him in Superman #22, by writer Brian Michael Bendis, artist Kevin Maguire, colorist Alex Sinclair, and letterer Dave Sharpe. Meanwhile, on Earth, the world's governments give Lois Lane a message for her husband.

This is a straightforward issue- in space, Superman battles Mongul, trying to stop him and Warworld before he can attack the Earth. On said Earth, FBI agent Cameron Chase lets Lois know that the UN has decided that they aren't mad Superman declared himself a representative of Earth for the United Planets. Still, they'll tolerate no screw-ups- not from Superman or any one of the other heroes. Superman is able to defeat Mongul, and Lois lets him in on what happened.

The main crux of this issue is the art, and Kevin Maguire knocks it out of the park, as he usually does. His facial expressions are top-notch as always, and he perfectly captures the hard-hitting intensity of the battle between Superman and Mongul. The action is in this issue is intense and exciting, consisting of a lot of double-page spreads that give it a widescreen feel. The interplay between Lois and Cameron is that much better because he drew it.

All in all, Bendis gives readers a very fun, action-packed read. When he wants to be, Bendis is an expert at writing for artists, and he definitely writes to Maguire's strong suits in this one. The story is split in two- half of it a nice raucous action scene, as Mongul and Superman pound on each other. At one point in the fight, Superman wonders why Mongul is attacking the United Planets and Earth and that there's something desperate about him. This is an interesting little tidbit that could be set up for something in the future.

The other half of the book is the verbal sparring between Lois and Cameron. Much had been made in Superman's previous issues appointing himself as a representative for Earth, and Cameron pretty much blows it off- if anyone should be the one representing Earth to the rest of the universe, it's Superman. However, they aren't going to tolerate any mistakes. Superman has to be flawlessโ€ฆ which is hard even for him.

Superman #22 is a lot of fun. Bendis writing action can be a mixed bag, but this issue isn't like that at all. The battle between Superman and Mongul is pulse-pounding. The interplay between Lois and Cameron is a lot of fun as well. This issue sets up some interesting stuff for the future as well. Kevin Maguire's art makes the whole thing work- his action is bombastic, and his character work is top-notch. All in all, Superman #22 is a fitting ending for the "Truth" arc.

Grade: B+

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