Jupiter's Legacy: Requiem #6

Jupiter's Legacy: Requiem #6

The Hutchences fight back in Jupiter's Legacy: Requiem #6, by writer Mark Millar, artist Matthew Dow Smith, colorist Giovanna Niro, and letterer John Workman. This story is an action-packed banger the likes of which only Millar and company could deliver.

This is one of those comics where synopsizing it too closely would ruin so many of the surprises therein. Beyond that, most of the issue is action. Suffice it to say, the Hutchence family fights back against the Palorax attack, but there are some casualties.

Mark Millar's writing is a lot of things, but something that can't be denied is that the man can write action scenes. His imagination when it comes to superhero battles has always been top of the line, and this issue delivers that. Jupiter's Legacy has always been rather violent, and this issue is as well. After the complete domination of the forces of Union and the Hutchence family from last issue, this issue has a lot of great rah-rah moments for readers. However, it also has just as many moments that knock the air out of readers hoping for everything to work out well.

It doesn't, and that's part of why this comic is so great. Millar could easily have made this the mega happy moment of the story. The Hutchences get through unscathed and lead the fight against whatever the Paloraxians are running from. Jupiter's Legacy has never been that kind of story. Readers get attached, and then life gets in the way. However, Millar gives readers a big hero moment for the issue's biggest casualty, which is perfectly in character but still poignant. There's also some great surprises throughout the comic that makes the whole thing that much better.

Dow Smith's art looks great throughout. The book's best pages are the double-page splash at the end, but there's a great panel of Chloe talking to the king of Palorax that is wonderfully chilling. He does a great job with the action and makes this issue look great.

Jupiter's Legacy: Requiem #6 is yet another wonderful issue of this book. Millar, Dow Smith, and Niro do amazing with this book. It's an all-out action issue with a great ending. Superhero comics don't get much better than this.

Grade: A

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