Way Of X #4

Way Of X #4

Nightcrawler and Legion have some momentous meetings in Way Of X #4, by writer Simon Spurrier, artist Bob Quinn, colorist Java Tartaglia, and letterer Clayton Cowles. Way Of X is the kind of book that gets better with every issue, and this one is no exception.

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The issue begins with a parable Lost tells Legion and Nightcrawler about revenge on Mars and goes from there, as Legion and Nightcrawler both have some rather important things happen to them. Nightcrawler finds Fabian Cortez in New York City, messing with a newly resurrected Gorgon, who has become childlike from Otherworld resurrection complications. Meanwhile, Legion talks to his father at the Green Lagoon bar, getting a gate seed and talking about Onslaught’s arrival to the island, which leads to him coming and turning everyone in the bar against each other Legion having the Xorns atomize everyone in the bar. In the city, Cortez gives Nightcrawler a choice on how to stop Gorgon from hurting humans, but Nightcrawler outthinks him and gets ready to bring him to a long-overdue meeting. On Mars, Legion begins something very important.

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Spurrier is in rare form in this issue, and it’s simply wonderful. From the African parable that begins the book to the nice appearance by Sooraya to deal with unintended consequences from the Krakoan terraforming of Mars to the way he writes the smarmy Fabian Cortez, there’s just so much to love about this issue. For example, the exchange between Xavier and Legion is great. One really gets the impression of how awkward the relationship is between them, and they both try to make it better in the conversation, but there’s just too much there. Spurrier adds a nice little wrinkle as well with the Xorns that is very cool on two levels- they follow Legion throughout the issue because he wants to be in control of himself, and if he seems to lose control, they’re to kill him. It’s both wonderfully pragmatic and a sign that he’s actually trying to change in his life. The whole scene in the Green Lagoon is just so wonderfully scripted. The way Spurrier cuts between Legion, Xavier, and those Onslaught is influencing, building up to the inevitable explosion.

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Seeing Gorgon back is nice, especially since no one has even brought up his death since it happened. The whole scene between Nightcrawler and Cortez is top-notch. It shows just how far Cortez will go to kill humans. He enhances the childlike Gorgon telepathy so he can’t tune out the hatred and racism of New Yorkers and then just sits there waiting for him to start turning people into stone. He then presents Nightcrawler with choices that would all mess with Nightcrawler’s morality. It all feels like a devil tempting a saint, which is fitting with Nightcrawler and this book’s premise. Still, Nightcrawler defuses the situation by making a fool of himself and getting everyone laughing, taking away everyone’s hate for a few moments, and getting ready to bring Cortez to judgment of a sort but not with who he thinks.

Quinn’s artwork looks great in this issue. From the beginning parable on down, there’s just so much good art in this comic. The double-page spread of the Green Lagoon devolving to chaos looks amazing, and the rest of the issue is full of more treats. He really nails Cortez, as well, helping Spurrier’s smarmy characterization along wonderfully.

Way Of X #4 is just another example of how great this comic really is and makes it sad that it’s only getting another issue and a one-shot to finish the story. Spurrier and Quinn are firing on all cylinders in this issue, perfectly working in concert. Shout out to Tartaglia’s colors as well- Quinn’s pencils are great, but Tartaglia’s palette really makes the whole thing sing. Way Of X is next level among the X-books.

Grade: A

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