X Deaths Of Wolverine #2

X Deaths Of Wolverine #2

Hunters close in on Moira in X Deaths Of Wolverine #2, by writer Benjamin Percy, artist Federico Vicenti, colorist Dijjo Lima, and letterer Cory Petit. Percy builds on the story more in this one, dropping some great bombs on the reader.

Moira runs to Oklahoma, robs a convenience store, and gets a burner phone. She calls Jane Foster, who tells her about her cancer, which has plant qualities to it. The Phalanx Wolverine takes over a fishing boat. Moira realizes everyone is tracking her because of her Warlock arm, so she cuts it off. Mystique finds her as on Krakoa, Forge ages, the pod Phalanx Wolverine came from as a thousand years old and is Krakoan in origin. Mystique busts into Moira’s hotel room but is killed by a bomb, which Destiny tried to warn her about. Phalanx Wolverine finds the hotel and is able to track where Moira went by tapping into the hotel’s router.

Percy keeps dropping more surprises on readers. While this is still speculation, it feels like it’s all playing into Life Six. The Phalanx Wolverine is pretty implicitly identified as part of the Phalanx. He was on Earth in Life Six when the Phalanx came, so it’s possible that Phalanx took over Wolverine and used their ability to transcend times and universes, which is related to black holes, to send Wolverine there to kill Moira. On the one hand, if this is the way the story goes, Percy is definitely telegraphing the whole thing. But honestly, getting any kind of continuation of Hickman-created plots is great, especially with how bad some of the X-Men books have gotten since the announcement of Hickman’s departure.

Beyond that, Percy does a great job of paying off the whole Krakoan tumor plotline from X-Force, which is great and will hopefully serve to shut up all the people who talk badly about how Percy never pays anything off from X-Force. The origin of Moira’s cancer is revealed to be Krakoan in nature, which is another fascinating little wrinkle.

Vicenti’s art is still great. There’s not a lot of action throughout the issue for him to go crazy on, but that’s okay. The character acting is sound, the linework is good, and everything looks great. There’s really not else to say about the art in this issue- it looks amazing.

X Deaths Of Wolverine #2 adds more wrinkles to the story. Percy is constructing a wonderful story here, and hopefully, he can stick the landing. Vicenti’s art is a beautiful fit for the story. All in all, another great issue.

Grade: B+

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