X-Men Blue #3 Review

X-Men Blue #3 Review

Xmen blue #3 written by Cullen Bunn and art by Jorge Molina

Xmen Blue may not be the best X-Men book we've had but it's step in the right direction for a book of characters that have grown stale, and it's also the better of the two X-team books at the moment for the fact that it's trying something new instead of playing off nostalgia of 90's X-Men.

The thing that works best in Blue is the interactions between the characters. Bunn does really well writing these characters struggling and questioning decisions that they have or are making. This is very much a flawed team and it works very well and that's the reason why I'm sticking with this book. At this point we know the team is working for Magneto and they come close to working with another past villain that makes Jean question herself as leader of the team. Teenage Jean did a few questionable things with her powers during Bendis's run that Bunn seems to acknowledge fans didn't like and looks like he's working to fix some of those. Bunn has also managed to make Jean Grey my favorite character on an X-book which is something I didn't know could be done. 

Overall this is a decent issue and I can't wait to see more of this team together. I give this book a solid B

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