East of West #33 Review

East of West #33 Review

East of West by Jonathon Hickman and Nick Dragotta

I'm gonna start this review off by saying that East of West has had a lot of world building and slow moving parts. I honestly don't understand how he handles all of it as a writer, at first it almost seemed like he may have had too much going on. But I should have known to never question the king of long term story telling, because damn.

Big shit happens in this issue, really big. It seems we're getting to everything Hickman has been building up to and the payoff is so worth it. The joy of him building this world is that in this issue not one but THREE big moments happen without any of them feeling rushed at all. This is comic writing at it's finest, everyone needs to be reading this book.

Of course I can't just compliment the writing without showing some love for Nick Gradottas' artwork. It's as strong as always and his work never seems to be anything but perfection.  But I can't just throw the artwork some love either because it's complimented by Frank Martins ingenious coloring. East of West is an all around amazing series and this issue is an amazing issue that we got some big payoff in.

Grade: A+





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