Xmen Blue 6  review

Xmen Blue 6 review

This issue of X-Men blue was a decent issue but not a lot happens. Jean Grey is bored being cooked up and wants to go out, she goes to Scott but he's busy training with Magneto so shes end sup with Jimmy and Hank. They end up hanging out at a big festival and really just cutting back and enjoying themselves when Jimmy catches a smell that he recognizes but can't place. HE follows it to see a mutant being attacked by other mutants. Him and the X-Men stop the attack to learn that the mutants they are fighting are followers of Wolverines when he went by Patch. The young X-men then ask them if they can train them to fight like ninjas.

And that's really it that happens, while a lot didn't happen plot wise it was nice to get asomewhat laid back issue. I had fun reading this issue but since a lot didn't really happen I will give it a B-

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