Go Go Power Rangers #8

Go Go Power Rangers #8

Go Go Power Rangers #8 written by Ryan Parrot illustrated by Dan Mora and colored by Raul Angulo

This “Shattered Grid” prelude opens up as the last few issues of the series have, with a Goldar Flashback giving readers more backstory for Rita and her henchmen, and Teasing the best Power Ranger Villain of all-time (before parental feedback turned him into a comical villain) Lord Zedd!


The shapeshifting “Super Putty”, formerly known as Matty, uses the Rangers weaknesses against them, with the confronting of their own personal demons, a little Dinozord Power, and a heads up move by Blue the battle is won. Billy gets his confidence back, Poor Bulk can’t catch a break, and the Tension between Trini and Jason is resolved (sorta).


Ryan Parrot pencils are top notch, in this issues especially. So much detail was given to the Zords. The detail and shading is reminiscent of competition level Gundam build kits. Angulo’s colors are eye opening and help bring the actions scenes to life. From the distinction between background scenery, Zords, and the convivial light show from the blasters to the command center.


Issue 8 is billed as a prelude to “Shattered Grid” but it’s really just tying up all the loose ends before the event begins. It’s also safe to assume there’s gonna be a time skip to catch up with the main MMPR title. The only flaw in #8 is the sympathy pitch for “Putty Matty,” which just doesn’t go through well, especially with Kim. Go-Go continues with its personal, character driven storyline, giving far more depth to the team and villains than ever seen before. Unlike the “picture perfect” TV series, the characters in this comic have faults, feel the toll of being a hero and the effects of these life choices, and the danger it can represent to their friends and family is apparent. There hasn’t been a teen hero book this good since Runaways.


Grade: A

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