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Justice League Odyssey #7 // Review

Dan Abnett continues to raise this series from the ashes while being joined by artist Will Conrad this time around. Initially starting out as an aimless follow up to ‘No Justice,’ this series has finally found its footing and now creating something much more inspired and different than what had been coming out previously. Looking as beautiful as ever, this issue is a must read for any Sci-Fi and DC fans of the most obscure variety.

As the heroes face down against Starfire’s evil sister, Blackfire, Kory begins to lose control over her powers nearly resulting in the death of her sibling before Cyborg comes to the rescue in the nick of time. This chapter primarily focuses on much-needed team building and developing the relationships between each respective character. Following the last issue finale, Darkseid been taken down by an unknown force and left for dead. As the team discovers the New God, they set out to finally get the answers they so much deserve before closing out this chapter.

Adding yet another layer to the series, Will Conrad’s beautifully detailed pencils deliver such a high level of breathtaking pages previously unseen on the title. Between his character works and his landscape shots, Conrad is an absolute master at his craft. This space odyssey finally begins to feel itself and create something extraordinary for these niche characters and readers alike. Rain Beredo paints all of the dread of a dying Tamaran and the stunning heroes each with glorious color works leaving this issue absolutely pouring with high art.

Dan Abnett completely proves this series is worth saving, his ability to turn this book around and sell this team to readers (literally and figuratively) correctly displays precisely why he was the man for the job. Having worked previously on Darth Vader, his story senses for a space-faring environment are already conditioned to the highest degree, this is a cakewalk for Abnett. Darkseid’s plans finally come into light as Dan delivers a truly sinister New God for the series even while facing the possibility of death.

Abnett and Conrad deliver another spectacular issue as this series continues to bring itself out from the wreckage of the previous run. With the story finally branching out into new environments, even more, questions begin to make way as the team sets out to interrogate the evil New God himself. This new creative team bring this team right out of the clutches of obscurity and right into the must-read pile.

Grade: A