Event Leviathan #4 // Review

Event Leviathan #4 // Review

Brian Michael Bendis’ first big event story continues to be strong with Event Leviathan #4. This is the part of any mystery story where the major players start to suspect each other of being the culprit, as Batman’s crew of detectives puts Kate Spencer (aka Manhunter) on the hot seat.

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This issue continues the book’s pattern of conversations broken up by flashbacks to action. This time, it’s precipitated by Superman’s arrival in the Batcave after failing to keep Leviathan from kidnapping Amanda Waller. Superman isn’t the only new player to enter the book this issue, as Silencer and Batgirl (among others) appear in the chapter as well. The book ends with a reveal that could turn the whole series on its head, and certainly complicates matters going forward into its final two issues.

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Bendis continues to craft a compelling and tightly plotted mystery. The banter between the characters is almost too much trademark Bendis, but it’s easy to forgive as it continues to amuse. Bendis makes Damian Wayne the most annoying little punk since Grant Morrison wrote him, in all the best ways.

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Alex Maleev’s art, with lettering by Josh Reed, continues to be stunning. Maleev does some trippy stuff with the art when Superman uses his x-ray vision to try to discover Leviathan’s identity, and when Leviathan escapes. Even the quieter moments continue to be visually dynamic.

It’s to DC’s credit that they’re allowing Bendis and Maleev to play with all the big DCU toys in Event Leviathan without drowning the book in spinoffs and tie-ins. This title continues to be a fun, brisk, compelling mystery.

Grade: A

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