Champions Outlawed #2 // Review

Champions Outlawed #2 // Review

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Champions Outlawed #2 is written by Eve L. Ewing, drawn by Simone Di Meo and Bob Quinn, colored by Federico Blee, and lettered by VC's Clayton Cowles. Champions Outlawed #2 follows the continued consequences of Kamala's Law and the capture of several Champions members. 

The location of the last Champions meetup leaked to C.R.A.D.L.E., and not everyone got away. This lead to the capture of several Champions, including Bombshell (Lana Baumgartner) and Starling (Tiana Toomes), who were sent to a "reeducation center" with the goal of rehabilitating them. And in the streets, teens on both sides are protesting, fighting for or against the crackdown on teen superheroes. Even among the Champions themselves, not everyone sees eye to eye, and the cracks are beginning to grow.

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Ewing includes real-world elements of civil unrest in Champions Outlawed #2. Things like the tension between different groups of protesters and police instigation of violence and police brutality. Though they're protesting (for and against) the right of teen superheroes to act, the way Ewing brings in these topics that are so relevant in the real world right now makes this story feel incredibly timely. In addition to these scenes, the way Ewing writes the conflict between the Champions and their own internal disputes adds emotional depth to the story and makes the dialogue the strongest part of the issue. 

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Di Meo and Quinn don't use heavy linework, but characters and objects are still clearly defined in most places. This choice of linework makes sense with Blee's colors because the colors are soft and smooth. Characters have an almost like an airbrushed feeling to them. Overall the art is beautiful if a little blurred out in places. Unfortunately, at times Cowles dialogue can be challenging to follow because of the panel layout. There's so much going on on some pages with panels laid out in an atypical way and lots of dialogue bubbles. Artistically it makes sense, representing the chaos occurring in so many scenes in Champions Outlawed #2, but visually it doesn't play out well. 

After the spectacular debut first issue, Champions Outlawed #2 feels like the momentum has stalled with so much happening but nothing moving forward at the same time. 


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