Green Arrow #38 review

Green Arrow #38 review

 Green Arrow #38 is by Benjamin Percy and Juan Ferreyra


Green Arrow #38 is very much a finale in many ways; a finale to the Ninth circle story, a finale to Ollie rekindling past relationships with various heroes, a finale to the trial of Oliver Queen, and, most importantly, a finale to the creative team of Benjamin Percy and rotating artists Juan Ferreyra and Otto Schmidt. Percy and Ferreyra knock it out of the park this issue while carefully tying up all loose ends to all 38 issues of their amazing run.  

This issue mostly focuses on the Trial and the outcome of it while setting up new story for the character going forward. The trial gets wrapped up fairly quick going just about the way you would expect if you have been following the series, which is a good thing because this easily could have been drug out and ended up boring for readers. A lot of the trial is Oliver admitting that he’s acted not so pleasant in the past but is changing, but also reads as Percy admitting that Oliver wasn’t handled right before but is now and will be going forward hopefully. After the trial we get many set ups that will be exciting to see play out as well as Oliver and Dinah seemingly making there relationship somewhat official.

What this issue lacks in action in makes up for in heart. Most of that hearts comes from small essential moments between Oliver and Dinah and also the Justice League with Oliver. It’s nice to see the League show up in a big way to help Oliver during this trial (in ways that I won’t spoil in this review). Oliver finally has support from the other heroes, which is something he hasn’t had in a long time.  

Ferreyras’ art has always is spectacular for the eyes, but it seemss he had saved his best for last, because his art in this issue is just phenomenal, especially some of the bigger panels highlighting Oliver with the Justice League. This issue does not disappoint in the least bit, it’s a satisfying conclusion to Percy’s story he started back with Green Arrow Rebirth #1 while also setting up many exciting plot points to be used in the future, Green Arrow is in a better place than he’s been in since before the New 52.

Grade: A+

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