Green Arrow #39 review

Green Arrow #39 review

 Green Arrow #39 by Jackson Lanning and Collin Kelley with art by Marcio Takara and colors by Marcelo Maiolo

Coming in right off the heels of Benjamin Percy’s Green Arrow run, Jackson Lanning and Collin Kelley manage to give us a just alright issue of Green Arrow that has some cool ideas but fail to deliver on most of them. 

The story starts off with Oliver Queen bringing food and supplies to the nation of Rahapastan, a country he has visited before while fighting Deathstroke that did not do much good for the country itself. Of course things go wrong ,which Oliver should have known to begin with, and Oliver ends up stranded there fighting a villain named Nobody  and his army. 

The first couple of pages started off really great but ended up getting worst as the issue went along. At times the writers really nail Oliver Queens personality but then they fail when he does something that should have had a bigger impact on him than it did. This issue felt fairly rushed and the villain was very underwhelming, and looks way too much like a Deathstroke ripoff. The big twist was underwhelming as well and also felt forced, this issue would have been best if it was split into two issues then maybe some of these big reveals could have had weight to them. The art is also as inconsistent as the writing often times going from looking really good to looking bland and, I hate to keep saying this, rushed.  

Overall this was a very mediocre and dissapointing issue altogether, which sucks because it had some really good ideas but not enough time to really make these ideas work. This arc very much feels like the filler that it is until the new creative team takes over but they still could have put more effort into it.


Green Arrow #39 gets a D+ 

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