Justice League Dark and Wonder Woman: The Witching Hour #1 // Review

Justice League Dark and Wonder Woman: The Witching Hour #1 // Review

Concluding "The Witching Hour" crossover, James Tynion IV brings to close his reshuffling of DC’s magical realm in Justice League Dark and Wonder Woman: The Witching Hour #1. An epic, sprawling issue, the artwork is divided amongst Jesus Merino, Fernando Blanco, Miguel Mendonça, and colorist Romulo Fajardo Jr.


Hecate consolidates her power, remaking cornerstones of the magical community in her own image. Meanwhile, the Justice League Dark consults with Circe and rallies for a final attack, as Wonder Woman learns of Hecate’s history, amidst her struggle to wrest power away from the deity.


 Tynion IV intertwines the myriad of Hecate’s real-world mythological origins with DC’s own cosmogonic lore, into a masterful, unified creation origin that exemplifies the author’s methodical worldbuilding. Within the sparse pages of this special, Tynion IV is able to able to establish a new magical world order for the DCU, retcon an origin for the universe’s magic system, and provide an engaging and exciting story. All of this is accomplished without overwhelming the reader with unwieldy info-dumps. However, some criticism is warranted regarding the way Tynion IV emphasizes the importance and power of a certain character throughout the issue, then has them unceremoniously taken off the board by the issue’s conclusion.          


 Art throughout the issue is varied, creatively complex, and consistently magnificent. The obvious vastness of the issue makes clear the necessity for a stable of artists, and while the shift in art can at times be a bit jarring; for the most part, the transitions are smooth and complimentary of narrative changes. Segmentation of the issue allows for the various artists to showcase an array of different layouts, perspectives, and artistic styles, much to the issue’s overall benefit.    


The world of magic is rewritten in Justice League Dark and Wonder Woman: The Witching Hour #1, as James Tynion IV continues to put pieces into place for an even more expansive story to come. For fans of the magical elements of the DC Universe, Justice League Dark and Wonder Woman: The Witching Hour #1 is essential reading.



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