Incursion #1 // Review

Incursion #1 // Review

Kicking off this brand new event, Andy Diggle, Alex Paknadel and Doug Braithwaite deliver nothing short of a spectacular debut chapter for the mini-series. With the focus lying on the big two companies, Valiant comics find their opportunity to cause a splash on store shelves with this all-new epic. While any subtlety and nuance of longtime fans will be lost on new readers, this series still delivers a spectacular ride for anyone looking to jump aboard.


The threat of existence wavers in the balance within the shadows as the realm of demons, The Deadside, begins to escape its barriers and into Earth. A mysterious immortal must protect a young geomancer from succumbing to the forces of evil and keep her out of harm's way at all costs. As a young demon enters through the breach, she witnesses the beauty of Earth as she brings death upon it, leaving the planet with an existential crisis of her own.


The soft pencil work of Doug Brathwaite’s is an absolute sight to behold as he leaves every page with a sheer cinematic feeling and brings every emotion to life. The lack of inks on his pencils delivers a much welcomed and unique look to the title not seen elsewhere. This brand new epic delivers power and heart. With an almost washed finished to the pencils, with a collective of colors of José Villarubia and Diego Rodriguez offer an unforgettable aesthetic for this first issue.

Andy Diggle and Alex Paknadel blend scripts into a beautiful and coherent vision. Abstaining from the heavy exposition, in a show rather than tell delivery, the series relies heavily on the visual aesthetic but it’s genuinely the character moments that drive this series home. The duo immerses the readers into this world without rhyme or reason and allows them to make their connections, more in line with a cinematic experience. Immediately the tension behind the looming threat and the care for the young girl are instantly felt and believable as the story moves rather quickly, leaving the reader guessing at every turn.


Between the glorious artwork of Doug Braithwaite and the combined efforts of Andy Diggle and Alex Paknadel, this mini-series stands to be both memorable but also a natural entry point into the Valiant comics universe for readers of all ages.

Grade: A+

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