Justice League #20 // Review

Justice League #20 // Review

​As the tour through the Sixth Dimension continues, Scott Snyder and Jorge Jimenez hold no bars with this outlandish take on “future” versions of the heroes. The duo delivers the title’s most interesting arc efficiently thus far, straying away from Metal and into something much more inspired. With the gorgeous art of Jimenez with Snyder’s ambitious scripts, this series continues to stand as the best team book currently on the market.


With Superman still lost away from the League, the remainder of the team is taken on a tour through the future. Crime is no more, Gotham is bright and hopeful, and Batman doesn’t buy any of it one bit. Back on Prime Earth, Mera and Starman are left to deal with Mxyzptlk under an unknown force’s control. With a 5th dimensional trick up their own sleeves, the Legion of Doom plans for something significant in the issues to come. The truth comes into light closing this chapter as Clark must face against none other than, himself.


Jorge Jimenez has quickly made his stamp on DC comics becoming absolutely synonymous with the universe as a whole. With each new work, Jimenez continues to produce beautiful artwork that will captivate readers for generations to come. With such a huge cast of heroes to play with Jimenez is able to bring a multitude of characters to the pages in his own signature style, making each one entirely his own. Jorge’s level of design continues to advance from his time on New 52’s Earth 2 Society, creating stunning possible peeks into the distant future. Alejandro Sanchez adds the vibrant gloss to Jimenez’s pencils, bringing the quintessential look of the series to life. Between the kinetic pencils of Jimenez and the high gloss from Sanchez, the series continues to push the edge for the title and superhero comics as a whole.


The sheer fun and excitement that Scott Snyder exudes and bleeds right onto the series spectacularly. The over the top bombastic scripts he commands line up perfectly with a story centered around Mr. Mxyzptlk. Scott Snyder finds his realm and delivers to readers a genuinely entertaining and exciting read in a market surrounded by depressed heroes in constant crisis. Snyder’s respect and love for the medium and it’s fans shine through with each new issue.


Snyder and Jimenez work together and produce yet another fun and memorable chapter for the title. Standing as DC’s flagship series, Justice League blows its contemporaries out of the water with the high art and ever imaginative scripts to back it up. As this new arc continues, more surprises lie in wait as the countdown to Year of the Villain continues.

Grade: A

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