The Terrifics #14 // Review

The Terrifics #14 // Review

All good things must come to an end, unfortunately. With this final chapter, Jeff Lemire and Joe Bennett make their departure from the title. Although the series will carry on with a new creative team, the loss will be significantly felt as the duo truly hit their stride together with this final arc. Painting a love letter (and slight jab) to Marvel’s first family, this run had the heart and excitement to carry on for years to come. These niche characters were able to find a new lease on life and all new fan base thanks to Lemire and his long list of amazing artists, pouring his undying love for the medium onto the pages of every work he produces.


The final showdown between the Terrifics and Doc Dread’s Dreadfuls has come at last. After dissolving the Terrifics and leaving the rest of the team behind on Earth-0, Mr. Terrific sets out on a trip through the Multiverse only to be met alone by their newest arch enemy. The Terrifics, alongside Tesla Strong and Offspring (Plastic Man’s son), come to the rescue and thwart the plans of Doc Dread. The team is able to finally come together as a family and embrace one another before this final chapter closes out.


Joe Bennett continues to bring a throwback art style to this series fitting the silver age motif perfectly. As opposed to his ongoing at Marvel, Immortal Hulk, Bennett brings a new flavor to this title and displaying his multitude of range with the medium. The duel inking of Dexter Vines and Scott Hanna do seem to contradict each other at times, as each inker has a distinct style from the other. Mike Spicer keeps with the Silver age motif and gives the perfect aesthetic to fit this series.


Between Black Hammer and The Terrifics, Jeff Lemire repeatedly wears his heart on his sleeve when it comes to comics. His admiration for the medium and its mythology is a breath of fresh air in a disproportionately uninspired landscape. A heavyweight like Lemire could helm any title he desires, and his choices are always the niche and underdeveloped. His ability to make lesser known characters into fan favorites is second to only the likes of Morrison himself. Lemire stands as a real workhorse in the industry; working on multiple titles at any given time while continually producing hit after hit.


Although this run may be over, this love letter to Marvel’s first family will carry on. With the rest of DC’s ‘New Age of Superheroes’ in their last death throes, The Terrifics stands as the final vestige of hope for the short-lived imprint. Lemire and a lengthy list of high-level artists brought the heart and love to the series, making it a highly regarded fan-favorite title. As the new creative team stepping in starting next issue, the bar has been set incredibly high.

Grade: A

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