The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #5 // Review

The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #5 // Review

The Magnificent Ms. Marvel is wrapping up the very first arc of the new series in issue 5. Written by Saladin Ahmed with Minkyu Jung on pencils/inks, with help from Juan Vlasco on inks, Ian Herring as the color artist, and letterer VC's Joe Caramagna. 

 As the Beast Legions close in Ms. Marvel is faced with the reality of being 'The Destined One.' Everyone is looking to her to save them. Sure there's some backup from the warriors of Saffa, but she's the only one who can completely destroy the Beast Legions and save the entire planet. No pressure.

Kamala's come so far since she first became Ms. Marvel, and this issue really highlights her character development. Ahmed writes a Kamala whose no longer afraid to take charge and speak her mind. She's increasingly aware of the responsibilities she has as a hero, even if she has to go against her parent's wishes. At the beginning of her journey, Kamala wouldn't have been confident enough to do that. 

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The design of Ms. Marvel's new suit really helps solidify the new look the art team is giving her. It's got the same color scheme and a similar shape, but it's armored, made with advanced Kree technology. And it automatically turns into a convenient bag for her to carry around when she's not wearing it. Tony Stark himself couldn't have created a better design. 

Even though she's back on Earth and her family is safe, this isn't the end for Ms. Marvel. Big Threats don't always come from supervillains or aliens.


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